BC Building Code Update: Enabling Single Exit Stair Buildings

Dear Code users,

I am writing to provide an update on the BC Building Code 2024. Revision 3 to the BC Building Code came into force on August 27, 2024. The code revision enables permissions for the design and construction of new residential multi-family single exit stair buildings.

The BC Building Code changes:

  • Enable single exit stair buildings, up to 6 storeys in height,
  • Limit the occupancy load to 24 people, per floor,
  • Limit the travel distance to the exit,
  • Provide automatic sprinkler systems throughout buildings, including balconies,
  • Manage smoke movement and include other fire protections, and
  • Require high-level local fire department and high-level building operations and management to ensure ongoing fire system inspections.

The code changes are in force now. You can read more about them on BC Gov News and access Revision 3 of the BC Building Code on the Errata & Revisions page of the Building Codes and Standards website.

Additionally, new Technical Bulletins for BC Building Code 2024 have been published and you can expect to find more added as they are finalized.

Please share this information with others within your organization, as appropriate.


Aman Gill
A/Executive Director
Building and Safety Standards Branch
Ministry of Housing

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V9P 2G5

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